Wednesday 14 November 2012

Purchase Peek...

The Debenhams Mega Sale. Otherwise known as a week of shopping Mecca right before Christmas. Get ready for discounts galore on in season items! Unlike other sales at specific points in the year where only last season’s stuff is reduced, this one concentrates on discounting the 'on trend' items. Big savings can be found on coats, winter jumpers, underwear and shoes. Being a card holder I also got an extra 10% off the marked sale price. I would honestly recommend getting a Debenhams card. Its well worth it if you spend a fair bit in store, and you get perks like extra discount and getting to shop the sale a day earlier than non card holders. Think of it as like a thank you for being a loyal customer. Obviously, use the card wisely, I don't recommend racking up a huge bill of debt ;)

I myself had been toying with the idea of buying a new coat for a while, something a little different to the one I usually wear, FYI a rather business like camel coloured trench coat. In my head I pictured myself wearing a parka with a big fluffy hood. And, of course in my local store I found it. I always think it's good to have an idea beforehand of what you want to buy. This pre planning saves buying anything on spec, something you may later regret splashing out on! Ad hoc buying is a common downfall to sale shopping. My shopping experience was altogether something I've never had before. As the store was open later, I went after work accompanied by my shopping buddy, my Mother. I trust her to tell me honestly what looks good and what doesn't. Not that I need this advice but sometimes it is always nice to have a friendly face to discuss these matters with! Upon arrival we were greeted with a glass of wine (red) and a piece of cake. I'm not used to swanning round a half empty shop with wine, but I was very much enjoying this new found approach!

After discarding nearly every parka style coat in the store (some were too long, hood wasn't fluffy enough, I looked too much like a school girl) I found this one in Red Herring. It fitted well, looked nice, was cosy and wasn't too expensive - score! And, I can safely say, I love it. I wore it to work today and was lovely and toasty (no need for the excess heating in my car!) 

From £65 to £32.50

From the back detailing, to the quality of the coat and don't think I would have found something better anywhere else for that good of a price so I am very content with my purchase to say the least!

A close up of the hoods 'fluffyness' and the detail on the coat!

For all those now interested in checking out the sale, fear not, it's on till Friday. You can also shop the full collection here

Until next time lovelies x