Sunday 18 November 2012


Ahh, Movember. The month where guys up and down the country attempt to grow a moustache in aid of charity. It raises awareness of prostate cancer and other male related cancers. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for charity but I can't help but think that if we women decided to grow the hair on certain parts of our bodies for charity, the male population wouldn't be so accommodating. Not every man however can grow a beard to massively hairy proportions, and let’s face it those people who can't are funny to have a secret chuckle at. The words 'bum fluff' spring to mind. Those however, who can grow a decent 'tache can also be laughed at, simply because they look like they belong in a 70's porn movie.  I was requested by a 'tache growing work mate to write a piece on Movember, and the least I can do, (if not successfully persuade you all to bid goodbye to the slugs growing under your nose) is to give you some friendly advice on moustache care. I was also asked by a different workmate what kind of tashes women like. Well, I don't know how many of the female population out there I speak for, (however I can guesstimate at least more than half) but my personal opinion? None. I like a bit of stubble on a man, but let’s leave the Inspector Clouseau style facial hair to your Grandfather/eccentric Uncle Bob. 

No, no and NO!
Notes on moustaches... 

- Use a moustache comb to keep it knot and tangle free.

 - Make certain that you keep the skin under your fuzz moisturised. Having facial hair takes a lot of moisture out of your skin, and with it being winter too; this will mean even more moisture being lost. Moisturise the normal cream you use into your beard, but obviously don't forget to wipe away any excess cream. 

 - Use moustache wax to keep it styled and firmly in place. But leave the curls at the edges to the French. 

 Make sure you keep it trimmed just above or level with the top lip-line. Anymore growth and you'll be eating it along with your morning cornflakes!

 - You can trim your ‘tache with scissors, but that requires a steady hand that most people do not possess. Ouch if you sliced yourself too! Invest in a beard and moustache trimmer instead.

 - Moustache caring items can be found in any man friendly beauty isle - look in Boots/Superdrug etc etc.

 Enjoy the rest of Movember gentlemen. Because you can bet on December 1st girlfriends will dive on you armed with a razor and shaving foam ;)

 Until next time lovelies x

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