Tuesday 1 January 2013

New Year, New You?

Happy New Year everyone!

I hope everyone had a wonderful NYE (whatever you did) and spent it with all those who are important to you. For the first NYE in agess I stayed in! And guess what? I had a really enjoyable night! I started the night with wine, finished it with champagne, and in between danced to Jools Holland, the music channels, and watched everyone else's fireworks from my drive! ;-) Cheeky but who cares?!

I'll hold my hands up; I'm not a huge fan of NYE. I just find it a little depressing, I mean after NYE we go straight into January (possibly the worst calendar month), and all the festivities of Christmas are suddenly over. The nights are still dark, and let’s face it, when those decorations go down; the house looks very bare for a while! By mid January I start to perk up, and I begin to think about the joys of the impending spring. Longer days, birds chirping, pastel nail polish, and flowers blossoming through. I love going for walks and seeing daffodils growing.

During this time, many of us will all make resolutions of some sort. Whether we stick to them is another matter. I have noticed a fair few people lamenting over the mediums of social media that the whole concept of a 'New Year being a New You' is total rubbish, but the more I think about it, I can't think of a more appropriate time to start afresh! Obviously, if you are expecting to wake up on January 1st having had a complete personality/body transplant, then I think you need to slow down on the old mulled wine (and maybe see a doctor?). However, small and doable changes can easily become part of your daily routine! If making resolutions, remember to make ones that you can stick to. Think realistically and you will be more likely to keep a successful and lasting resolution.

What's my resolution? To learn how to ballroom dance! Hey, I'm in no way shape or form expecting to be Strictly perfect but I will give it a bloody good go! How is my resolution going so far? I've found a dance school near to me... So all I need to do now is ring and book my first lesson... Eeek!

I hope everyone's dreams come true in 2013, and I wish all the health and happiness in the world for everyone! No matter what trials and tribulations 2013 brings, greet them with a can do attitude. I also want to thank everyone for reading my blog this year. I've loved everyone's comments about it - they really have made my day. Stay tuned for more of the same guys!

Stay classy ;) Until next time lovelies x

1 comment:

  1. Aww thank you very much! Your comments are much appreciated :D Course I'll check your blog out xx
