Monday 27 February 2012

Sweet Dreams...

Sleep, wonderful sleep. The time when our bodies shut down and recharge for around about 8 or 9 hours from the days stresses. A perfect night’s sleep every night would be amazing, but let’s face it, for the majority of us this does not happen. I've realised a large amount of us seem to be suffering (myself included) from the odd bit of insomnia. Be it the stresses of work or study, sometimes it is just nigh impossible to drop off come lights out. And the effects of a rubbish night’s sleep can be seen the next day! Let’s face it, blood shot, puffy eyes, under eye bags (concealer comes in handy then!) & a lack of concentration is not desirable! 

There are things you can do to at least try and make your sleeping pattern a little more regular. Here are some handy tips to have you never needing to count sheep again...

No caffeine after 6pm

Caffeine is a stimulant & when taken can keep you & your brain awake for hours on end. Caffeine is found in all hot drinks, coffee, and including tea. Whilst caffeine is effective at keeping you awake during the day, it isn't so good when you want to go to sleep. Cut it out after 6pm, and notice the difference. Come 10 or 11pm, instead of bouncing off the walls you will be drifting off to sleep instead.

If you must have something hot to drink in the evening, try camomile tea. This is a natural herb and a 'relaxer', enabling your body to wind down from a busy day.  

Hot chocolate 

It's true, drinking hot chocolate (made with milk), or hot milk on its own before bed can help induce sleep. Milk contains 'tryptophan' which is an amino acid you get from the foods your body consumes. In the end, this acid helps the body to produce 'serotonin', a chemical needed in order for the body to 'calm down'. It is this chemical that helps induce a state of sleep. Also, adding marshmallows & whipped cream to a nice mug of hot chocolate never goes amiss either! For the original (in my opinion) and best, buy Cadburys drinking chocolate the next time you go food shopping.   


Lavender scented products can also help induce sleep. Like camomile, lavender is a natural relaxer, and research has found it can slow down the nervous system, and improve the quality of your sleep. Stock up on lavender scented bubble bath/shower gel, candles, oil, and even a spray to spray your room & pillows. Being around the smell will de-stress you and hopefully send you to the land of nod.

Switch off 

I mean this literally. Switch off both your thoughts & technological devices in order to have a good night’s sleep. Often, I find that bad thoughts or things I have yet to do play on my mind when I’m trying to sleep. Thinking of a happy memory or a happy time can make all the difference when trying to fall asleep. Try not to take your worries to bed, after all, there’s not much that can be done about them when you’re asleep! The same goes for technology, TV's, Laptops, IPods... Switch them off at least half an hour before bed. Whenever possible, try and read a book or your favourite magazine before bed to concentrate your mind on something else, and hopefully, induce a wonderful nights rest.    


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